Unlike a lot of programs out there, this program puts the onus on the nutritional and personal changes you make, rather than on the exercises you will learn. A majority of Forever Body Transformation is really based on what you put in your mouth. Why? Because eating takes up much more of your effort and time. And that’s what works.
Poor lifestyle choices, S.A.D. (standard American diet), and confusing, conflicting information are really what have been causing so many of us to gain weight. Plus, with the right exercise program like the one we’ve designed for you here, you won’t need to spend hours and hours at the gym every week to see results. The real work will come in you taking a new approach to what you consume and how you consume it. We will show you how you can tweak your approach to food so that you are eating to live instead of living to eat.
No one wants a temporary fix. Addictive exercising and crash diets give you that— Forever Body Transformation gives you the ultimate tool for real and lasting change — the FBT body.
** http://ForeverBodyTransformation.com **
It's Not How Much You Eat - It's What You Eat!
Nutrition is probably one of the most confusing things to many people when it comes to getting healthy and losing weight. The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation out there. There are a thousand theories about what kind of nutritional plans are the most effective; plus, there are a lot of products that claim to be “nutritious” and, quite frankly, are not.
But more importantly, there has been a lot of misinformation about the concept of ‘how much you eat’. For the last 30 years and more, the prevailing wisdom has been that you have to adjust ‘calories in’ vs. ‘calories out’ in order to lose weight.
And this is simply not true.
To get the Forever Body Transformation body, you need to eat real food, first off (and we’ll look at exactly what that is in a bit). But here’s the rub— eating real food (the right food) makes ‘calorie in’ vs. ‘calorie out’ a moot point.
It’s not how much you eat. It’s what you eat.
The traditional concept of calorie reduction (or even exercise increase) is too simplistic by half. Why? Because it’s missing a crucial element— how our bodies deal with the calories that come in. If losing weight were just about energy in vs. energy out, eating 2000 calories of strawberry shortcake every day would be equal to 2000 calories of well-balanced, whole meals.
But it’s not.
Having a balance among carbohydrates, protein, and fat will allow you to lose weight, feel great, and keep hunger at bay. Even certified personal trainers like Tyler and Candice have had problems with their relationship with food. Candice, for example, had a particularly difficult time learning how to eat the right food at the right time. You’ll see this often with athletes, surprisingly— they exercise a lot, move a lot, and eat whatever they want. But, in reality, even they need to reassess their relationship with food and start using food in the right way for the right reasons.
Candice was always very fit growing up. She was always playing 2 or 3 sports at a time, always active— but never nutritionally healthy. Her average breakfast would consist of pop tarts and chocolate milk and my lunches would be pizza hamburgers or whatever I wanted. No matter what kind of athlete you are, you can only get away with this kind of behavior for a short while. Once Candice stopped playing sports, she started gaining weight and what she was eating started catching up with her. After a year of putting on excessive weight— especially after being such a fit athlete— she had had it. She started reading up on nutrition, on everything we’re talking about here, and started really thinking about choosing one food over another. She reassessed her entire relationship with food.
And by doing that, after 3 and half months, the weight started coming off. She started looking and feeling different and was more active and energized than she had ever been. By accompanying good nutrition with the right training, she was able to sculpt her body in the way she wanted. She was actually able to see shoulder definition and really feel like she had toned arms.
What did this transformation mean? She had gone from living to eat to eating to live.
Finding the Right Meal Plan
While there are many diet plans out there that are simply based on calories alone; unfortunately, those will not work long-term.
If you give your body a caloric deficit each week, you will lose weight….for a little while. For example, if you decided to go on “The Donut Diet” where you ate 7 donuts a day which equaled 1800 calories, you would lose weight. You also sure better be taking a multivitamin and a whole bunch of other supplements since this “diet” is lacking many other essential nutrients. You are likely going to be very hungry and irritable since there isn’t any fiber or protein in the donuts.
As explained before, you would lose quite a bit of weight the first couple of weeks, which would come from mostly water, some fat, and muscle. About that time, you will realize that although you are losing weight, you don’t feel good, you don’t have energy, and you want more variety. So, you go back to how you were eating before you ever started “The Donut Diet.”
Does that sound familiar? That is “destination dieting” at its finest. You need to lose a quick 10 or 20 pounds for a cruise, a reunion, or family pictures only to do more damage in the long run by slowing down your metabolism. The market is saturated with these types of diets and with most people wanting results yesterday, it’s hard not to be tempted.
Would you rather be down 20 pounds in one month or down 20 pounds in three months? The faster, the better, right? WRONG! Here’s that question again with some additional information: Would you rather be down 20 pounds of water, fat, and muscle in one month only to gain it all back plus more within 3 more months? Or would you rather lose the weight a bit slower, but knowing at the end of three months you will have lost 20 pounds of fat and you will have changed habits and learned a new way of eating that you can continue for the rest of your life so you can actually keep that 20 pounds of fat off? No comparison. No more yo-yoing. It’s time to change your body forever!
Now that you have figured your own RMR, and now you know the right calorie level you should be following, go ahead and click on the appropriate meal plan for you.
With Forever Body Transformation, you don’t need to count calories or fat grams; it’s all about balance with food. Our meal plans are set up to be about 50% carbohydrate, 25% protein, and 25% fat. You are given a certain number of servings of each of the following food groups: starch, fruit, milk, protein, vegetables, and fat.
The 50% carbohydrate will mostly come from the servings of whole grains, starchy vegetables, beans, fruit, milk, and yogurt which fall under the food group headings of starch, fruit, and milk. Foods made with sugar and white flour are also carbohydrates. They are the reason carbs were given a bad reputation.
When you eat a diet high in sugar and white flour, you make it very easy for your body to store fat…remember the roller coaster blood sugar? Sugar and white flour are the biggest culprits. Does that mean you will never be able to eat sugar again? No more birthday cake or Thanksgiving pie?
Well, no, that sounds like a diet, doesn’t it? This is not a diet. This is a way of eating that will change your body forever. Sugar needs to be kept to a bare minimum (to be discussed later), but yes, you may still enjoy a treat here and there.
-- Bottom line: With the FBT program, the majority of your carbohydrates will be coming from whole grains and whole foods.--
The 25% protein will mostly come from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, protein powder, nut butters, and cottage cheese. If you are on an 1800 calorie or less meal plan you want to make sure these choices are lean and lower fat which means choosing more chicken, turkey, and fish. If you choose red meat or pork, look for a cut with the word “loin” in it. Loin = lean.
The 25% fat will come from all different sources such as some of the protein options listed above as well as butter, oils, salad dressings, avocado, cream, sour cream, or cream cheese.
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